Photo Credits: Courtesy of Jonathan Torgovnik/Reportage by Getty Images. Courtesy of Paula Bronstein/The Verbatim Agency/Getty Images. Courtesy of Caitlin Loehr. Some rights reserved.

Action and Impact

Focus on Sexual and Reproductive Health

Breakthrough ACTION prioritizes five sexual and reproductive health areas: advocacy and agenda setting; supporting social and behavior change in service delivery; addressing equity and social determinants of health, particularly gender equity and male engagement; meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of youth; and advancing social and behavior change in francophone Africa.

This new compilation highlights seminal activities, including a shared agenda for SBC in family planning and the Provider Behavior Ecosystem, as well as courses and toolkits.

A female community health worker provides family planning options to a family in Uganda

Incorporate new social and behavior change approaches into your work with these learning opportunities.

Audience Segmentation for Nutrition


Applying Human-Centered Design to Improve Nutrition Programming

English | French

Implementing the SBC Flow Chart



Upcoming conferences, training opportunities, conferences, and other events

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